Detailing packages

Price may vary


Price may vary 〰️

  • Interior Vacuum

  • All interior surfaces cleaned/protected

  • Carpet shampooed/steamed/extracted

  • Interior/exterior glass cleaned

  • Fragrance added

Coupe/Sedan - 150$

Midsize/SUV - 175$

Truck/Specialty - 200$

Interior Package

  • Wheels/wheel wells cleaned

  • Pre rinse wash

  • Double foam wash

  • Air/hand dried

  • Door jams cleaned

  • Exhaust Tips polished

  • All interior/exterior glass cleaned

  • Tire shine added

Coupe/Sedan - 150$

Midsize/SUV - 175$

Truck/Specialty - 200$

Exterior Package

  • All interior surfaces cleaned/protected

  • Carpet shampooed/steamed/extracted

  • Interior/exterior glass cleaned

  • Fragrance added

  • Wheels/wheel wells cleaned

  • Pre rinse wash

  • Double foam wash

  • Air/hand dried

  • Door jams cleaned

  • Exhaust Tips polished

  • All interior/exterior glass cleaned

  • Tire shine added

  • Small scratches polished out

  • 3-6 month hydrophobic sealant added

    *Any Polishing Needed can be added for:

    • Glaze-150$

    • Polish- 300$

    • Cut/Polish(2-Step)- 600$

Coupe/Sedan - 300$

Midsize/SUV - 350$

Truck/Specialty - 400$

Full Package

When booking for our mobile services please be aware that we do charge 30$ as a mobile fee, in addition to the detail price.

*All prices are estimates for what we considered to be a mild-medium soiled vehicle. Anything we deem to be above average or extreme may be subject to a price change.*